If you were paying close attention as you went through the blog post on the root loop you may have noticed a little slight of hand. I may have been stung, but I'm not sure.
In the central coastline deserts of Chile there exists an elusive wingless wasp that looks like a panda bear, is referred to as an ant, and has a sting strong enough to put a cow down. Meet the Panda Ant: Similarly, deep within LabVIEW there exists an elusive message loop that has the potential to sting you. The Panda Ant is neither good (its sting can paralyze a cow) nor bad (it looks like a panda bear), but learning about it now will prevent you from getting stung by it in the future. The same can be said for the root loop, it's not a bug in LabVIEW and you have most likely never noticed that it exists, but learning about it now could prevent you from getting stung by it in the future.
October 2019
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