In my last post I took a look at data-centric and message-centric communication and their effects on software systems. This post will take that discussion a little bit further by connecting the idea of data-centric messaging to Event Driven Architecture (EDA). Along the way, we will build up a vocabulary that we can use to disucss systems of actors and the types of coupling we encounter while building them.
Owen Search
Delving into the world of asynchronous and concurrent programming can be quite daunting these days. There is a deluge of jargon and hip new libraries to learn as a newbie. At times, it feels like the difficulty in navigating these rough waters might rightly be interpreted as a dire warning: BEWARE THEE WHO DOES NOT KEEP HIS PROMISES. But what is a promise anyway? And for that matter, what is a future? Or a continuation? And here I thought I was in over my head when I started threading...
While I won't even try to completely illuminate these topics in a single blog post, I hope to provide a straightforward explanation that can help a beginner navigating the waters of asynchronous programming. Really, once you get past the nomenclature, these programming constructs are REALLY interesting and useful.
October 2019
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